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The Environmental Review Projects Interactive Map provides an interactive way to find information on active projects undergoing environmental review in your community, including:

Map Features

Using the map, you will find active environmental review project information including:

  • public comment periods
  • public meetings
  • notices of decisions on environmental review documents
  • links to environmental review documents
  • responsible governmental unit (RGU) contact information

The layer button allows you to review additional information including county boundaries, environmental justice areas, impaired waters, legislative boundaries, waterbodies, and watershed boundaries. 

With the update to the EQB Monitor submittal service, projects that were published in the Monitor after May 23rd can be found in this interactive map, for any projects published prior to this date please view this map

Project coordinates for the Environmental Review Projects Interactive Map (map) are provided by the responsible governmental unit (RGU). The map is updated every Wednesday morning at 8:00 a.m., the day after the EQB Monitor is published. Environmental review projects are removed from the map when the 30-day statutory appeal period for the final decision has ended.

How can I get more information about a project?

The project box on the map includes contact information for the RGU and may include a link to project documents. If you are looking for additional information, contact the RGU.


Contact Environmental Review staff by phone 651.757.2873 or email