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The environmental impact statement (EIS) provides detailed information about the extent of potentially significant environmental impacts of a proposed project, presents alternatives to the proposed project, and identifies methods for reducing adverse environmental effects. The required form and content of an EIS is described in Minnesota Rules 4410.2300, and shall be prepared using an interdisciplinary approach that includes the natural, environmental, and social sciences. The EIS is not meant to approve or deny a project, but instead act as a source of information to guide approval and permitting decisions. The EIS is completed by the responsible governmental unit (RGU) designated according to Minnesota Rules 4410.

Please note that the guidance documents provided on this page are not intended to substitute for Minnesota Rules 4410. They are designed to assist in the implementation of the environmental review process. The guidance documents do not alter the rules or change their meaning; if any inconsistencies arise between these documents and the rules, the rules take precedent. Please contact EQB Staff with any questions at or 651-757-2873.

For additional information:

Quick Reference: Environmental Impact Statement: Provides a brief overview and timeline of the steps in the EIS process

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The distribution list of all responsible parties required to receive a copy of environmental review documents

A guide to aid units of government and others involved in the Minnesota Environmental Review Program

Information and tips for local governments about hiring and working with consultants to help prepare environmental review documents

Information and tips for project proposers about hiring and working with consultants to prepare environmental review data submittals