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EQB collects information from all environmental review projects that publish notices in the EQB Monitor. That information can be found in the Environmental Review Projects Database, the Environmental Review Performance Summary, and the Annual Performance Report. Data is collected on the types of projects, the responsible governmental unit (RGU) performing review, and geographic location to evaluate trends and effectiveness of the program over time. The EQB uses the data to modify and improve the program. Convenient access to public data encourages accountability and transparency in Minnesota’s environmental review process.

Environmental Review Projects Database & Interactive Map

EQB works to increase accessibility of environmental review project information via the Database and its Interactive Map.

Screenshot of the ER database to give an example of what it looks like

Database Features

The Database stores environmental review documents and decisions for each project.

  • Search function for projects that have completed environmental review or are currently undergoing the process. Filter by project name, RGU, mandatory category, and more
  • Permanent access to all environmental review documents from each project
  • Library of usable information regarding past environmental review projects


Screenshot of interactive projects map in the ER database


Interactive Map Features

  • Use the Interactive Map* to find information on active projects undergoing environmental review in your community. 
  • Links to each project’s documents in the database plus convenient access to public comment periods, public meeting dates, and RGU contact information 
  • Layers allow you to review additional information including county boundaries, environmental justice areas, impaired waters, legislative boundaries, waterbodies, and watershed boundaries
  • *Project coordinates for the Environmental Review Projects Interactive Map (map) are provided by the responsible governmental unit (RGU). The map is updated every Wednesday morning at 8:00 a.m., the day after the EQB Monitor is published. Environmental review projects are removed from the map when the 30-day statutory appeal period for the final decision has ended.

Environmental Review Performance Summary

The performance summary presents a weekly updated view of types of projects undergoing environmental review, time required to complete review, and the RGU’s perception of process usefulness. Filter by review process, project type, and completion year.

Annual Performance Reports

EQB staff compile and analyze data from the Environmental Review Projects Database and Performance Review in Annual Performance Reports, and consider the need for Program changes through feedback from: 

• Discussions at Board meetings and Subcommittee meetings 

• Advisory panels convened by the Board 

• Public comments on periodic rulemaking 

• Assessment performed to complete the Mandatory Category Report (compiled every three years) 

• One-on-one conversations during technical assistance 

2022 & 2023 Combined Performance Reports

2021 Performance Report

2020 Performance Report

2019 Performance Report

Data Management Plan

EQB's Data Management Plan (DMP) documents the data regularly collected and evaluated, in order to ensure consistency in programmatic review and assessment over time. The DMP also identifies areas where additional data collection is needed or would improve our ability to evaluate program effectiveness.