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The EQB’s mission is to enhance Minnesota’s environmental quality for current and future
generations by leading interagency work to advance meaningful public engagement and facilitate
informed decision-making on critical environmental issues. Compiled with the help of staff from
several state agencies, the Minnesota Environment and Energy Report Card provides valuable
information for the public and policymakers on the condition of Minnesota’s environment, how it is
being impacted by environmental threats, and what is being done in response.

Minnesota enjoys abundant natural resources and high quality of life, but not all groups
and communities share these benefits equally. Some Minnesotans are disproportionately
affected by air and water pollution, climate change, and other environmental challenges.
In all our work, we seek to end disparities based on race, income, gender, health, and
geography. This is critical for making progress on our statewide environmental goals.

The Environment and Energy Report Card is a living document. We hope that it will inspire
new dialogue and forms of action. Tackling the complex issues in this report will require
innovative approaches and cross-sector collaboration. The EQB invites you to attend our
monthly meetings to learn more and join us in creating solutions. Together we can ensure a
clean, healthy environment for all Minnesotans.


The report focuses on key areas of Minnesota’s environment: air and climate, and land and water. Each section presents metrics and information that help assess the condition of Minnesota’s environment, along with actions being taken to promote and improve environmental quality and respond to changes by promoting equity and resiliency. In alignment with the Climate Action Framework, many of these environmental issue areas highlight the work currently being done to address climate change. Metrics either have a red, yellow, or green score depending on the changes in environmental condition and whether state goals for progress are being met, and show a projected trend. Many of these metrics have been used since 2017, allowing a look at changes over time. Some, especially those related to state actions, have been updated to reflect changing state goals.


The 2019 report focuses on five key areas of Minnesota’s environment: climate, energy, air, water and land. Each section presents three metrics that help assess the state of the environment. Metrics either have a red, yellow, or green score depending on whether state goals for progress are being met. Metrics were selected through a Results Based Accountability process; and are the same indicators used in the 2017 report.



How healthy is Minnesota's environment? What are the priority environmental issues that require action? How do we enhance the well-being of all Minnesotans while protecting critical resources?

These are some of the questions that inspired the 2017 Minnesota Environment and Energy Report Card. Our goal was to evaluate Minnesota’s environment so that we could measure progress and prioritize key efforts. It also provides a common language needed to discuss issues that cut across sectors and regions of the state.  


*Alternate formats or alternate methods are available for all our reports upon request.