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Join our team and make a difference!

At the Environmental Quality Board (EQB), we are dedicated to ensuring that Minnesota has healthy and sustainable environmental quality that equitably supports public health, economic vitality, societal quality of life, and sustained natural resources. Our mission is to support informed decision-making that protects and enhances Minnesota’s environmental quality. We accomplish this by fostering meaningful conversations; supporting collaborative policy development; and ensuring effective environmental review of potentially impactful projects. By joining our team, you'll have the opportunity to work with passionate professionals who are committed to making a positive impact.

We are looking for individuals who are enthusiastic about environmental stewardship, strategic planning, and collaborative problem-solving. Whether you're just starting your career or are an experienced professional, we offer a range of opportunities to grow and contribute to our mission.

Explore our current openings below and take the first step towards a rewarding career with EQB!


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Frequently Asked Questions

Why apply to serve on the Environmental Quality Board?

Serving on the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) is a unique opportunity to shape environmental issues in Minnesota. Public members of the board sit at the table with nine state agency heads and have equal voting power with them.

Public members of the board help bring the voices of Minnesotans from around the state into decision making, prompting our government to think in new ways about environmental challenges and solutions. As a board member, you will learn about a wide variety of issues that impact Minnesota communities and ecosystems from technical experts, scientists, practitioners, and the public and participate in collaborative problem-solving processes that advance progress on our state’s environmental goals.

What is the work of the board?

The Board provides leadership and coordination across agencies on priority environmental issues, as well as opportunities for public access and engagement. With the support of EQB staff, the Board carries out a diverse range of projects aimed at shaping environmental policy and programs and engaging Minnesotans. Some recent projects include:

In addition, the EQB oversees the Environmental Review Program for the state of Minnesota. Environmental review provides Minnesotans with information on the potential impacts of proposed projects and is carried out by governmental units at the county, city, and state levels. The EQB is responsible for providing technical support and making program improvements.

What experience is necessary?

No experience is required to apply for a public board member position. Minnesota residents in the specified congressional district with an interest in environmental issues and a commitment to the EQB’s mission are encouraged to apply.

Minnesota Statute requires that half of the public members “have knowledge of and be conversant in environmental review or permitting.” This may include prior experience as a consultant, staff, project proposer, public advocate, or other relevant experience. As a result, experience with environmental review is preferred, but is only required when the open seat must help EQB achieve the 50% standard.

Who appoints public board members?

The governor appoints members from the general public to the board, one from each congressional district, subject to the advice and consent of the Minnesota Senate.

What is the time commitment?

Board members are expected to attend one three-hour board meeting per month. These are typically scheduled from 1:00-4:00 p.m. the third Wednesday of each month and held at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s Saint Paul office and livestreamed via Microsoft Teams.

In addition to the board meetings, members may spend time reading board meeting documents, talking with EQB staff, interfacing with the members of the public, or doing background research. Current board members report spending between 6 and 15 hours per month total on board activities, depending on their interest areas and other commitments.

How long are public board member appointments?

Public members serve four-year terms ending on the first Monday in January.

Are board members paid for their time?

Board members can be compensated at the rate of $55 a day spent on board activities, such as attending meetings. They can also receive reimbursement for some expenses such as mileage and childcare that are incurred due to board commitments. More details about compensation can be found in Minnesota Statues 2019, section 15.0575.

What staff support is available to board members?

The board is supported by a dedicated team of staff who are available to answer questions, provide background information, and help members prepare for meetings.

What if I still have questions?

Contact EQB Executive Director Catherine Neuschler for any additional questions. She can be reached at or 651-757-2607.