Mandatory categories are categories of project types that require environmental review. Each mandatory Environmental Assessment Worksheet and Environmental Impact Statement category is defined in rule and lists applicable project thresholds and assigns the responsible governmental unit who conducts review. Information gathered through the Minnesota environmental review process is intended to assess and disclose information on potential environmental effects prior to the approval of any Minnesota governmental action. The Environmental Quality Board (EQB) is completing a legislatively mandated report on the environmental review mandatory categories. This report is required to be completed by EQB and member agencies every three years with the next version due December, 2024.
2024 Mandatory Category Report
We appreciate your input!
EQB intends to use this report to conduct a review of all mandatory categories and provide a "state of the state" on the mandatory categories, their use, and discuss any recommended changes. This may include discussion on updating EQB guidance, adjusting categories to be clearer, better defining terms, or updating thresholds. This may also include discussion on adding new categories.
Thank you to all who completed our survey or provided feedback. EQB staff are analyzing themes for the 2024 report. EQB staff will provide an update on the report process to the Environmental Quality Board at the May 15th meeting. This meeting will be open to the public.
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For more information:
Past reports:
2021 Mandatory Category Report
Below you will find a table which contains information about each Mandatory Category including: