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Second EQB workshop with Governors' Institute on Community Design June 20

The Governors’ Institute on Community Design is facilitating a second workshop with the Environmental Quality Board.  This workshop will take information and ideas gathered through the many efforts related to the Minnesota Environmental Congress and use them to help the EQB shape a vision for the future that addresses Minnesota’s environment and energy challenges and opportunities.  The workshop will be held on Thursday, June 20, from 11:30 am to 3:30 pm, at the Minnesota Veteran’s Service Building 5th Floor Conference Room.  There will be no public testimony, but the public is welcome to attend and observe.  The agenda can be found here.

The 2012 Minnesota Environment and Energy Report Card provides a baseline for how Minnesota is currently performing in the areas of water, land, air, energy, and climate.  Citizen input gathered through the Environmental Congress Citizen Forums, comment cards, an online Citizen Forum, and the Next Generation Environmental Congress were the starting point for the Minnesota Environmental Congress.  The Congress was a working session, where recognized experts and community leaders synthesized citizen input and developed issue statements presented to the EQB.

All of the information leading up to the Minnesota Environmental Congress has been made available on the Environmental Congress website, located at:

Citizen Forum information and comments submitted online can be found at:

Minnesota Environmental Congress Presentation Information can be found at:

The objectives of the workshop facilitated by the Governors’ Institute on Community Design are to assist the EQB in:

 1)           establishing actionable priority goals following recommendations from each phase of Executive Order 11-32—including the Environmental Review Improvement Report, the Governance and Coordination Report, insights from the Environment and Energy Report Card, and the Citizen Forums and Environmental Congress—within the context of the EQB’s current commitments and  available resources,

2)            creating action-oriented implementation plans for these goals, and

3)            measuring outcomes to demonstrate progress toward these goals.


Minnesota Environmental Quality Board
Publication Date