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100 signatures now required for EAW petition

The environmental review statute was amended during the 2011 legislative session to increase the number of signatures required for a petition for an environmental assessment worksheet from 25 to 100.  The statute was also amended to require that the petitioners must reside or own property in the state (Minnesota Laws, Chapter 107, Section 87).  The amended language is as follows:

(c) An environmental assessment worksheet shall also be prepared for a proposed
action whenever material evidence accompanying a petition by not less than 25 100
individuals who reside or own property in the state, submitted before the proposed
project has received final approval by the appropriate governmental units, demonstrates
that, because of the nature or location of a proposed action, there may be potential for
significant environmental effects. Petitions requesting the preparation of an environmental
assessment worksheet shall be submitted to the board. The chair of the board shall
determine the appropriate responsible governmental unit and forward the petition to it.
A decision on the need for an environmental assessment worksheet shall be made by
the responsible governmental unit within 15 days after the petition is received by the
responsible governmental unit. The board's chair may extend the 15-day period by not
more than 15 additional days upon request of the responsible governmental unit.

Minnesota Environmental Quality Board
Publication Date